Regional Manager

Regional manager of the logistics company FayzGo
He has a strong foundation in logistics and engineering, having obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Politecnico di Turin in Tashkent and a master’s degree from Busan National University in Korea, further enriched by training coursework in transport logistics. His career began with a five-year stint as an engineer at UzAuto Motors, then he held senior positions in logistics at UzLogistics and Fayzgo Logistics, as well as a dispatcher position at Rich Cargo.

2012-2016 Turin Polytechnic University — Bachelor.
2018-2024 Busan National University – Master
2017-2020 UzAuto Motors — Design engineer
2020-2021 I&S Transportation / Rich Cargo — Dispatcher
2021-2022 UzLogistics — Regional Manager
2024 FaizGo Logistics — Regional manager with 6 years of experience in logistics.